The Region

A temperate climate which characterizes the Ligurian Riviera makes Sanremo the perfect tourist location all year round.

Sanremo, fourth largest city in Liguria is known as the city of flowers. The thriving plant life of this city owes to the pleasant climate which characterises the Ligurian Riviera. A temperate climate, a light breeze which constantly blows and a mild and sunny winter, often considered a therapeutic location. Sanremo was founded in Roman times along Via Julia Augusta. In the 14th century it belonged to the maritime republic of Genova. It was Napoleonic at the end of the 18th century and in 1814 it was annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia of Savoy. Today Sanremo hosts the festival of Canzone Italiana (Italian Song), launched in the main room of the Feste della Casa da Gioco on 29th January 1951 and then from 1976 at the Ariston Theatre every year. The city has had the casino for more than 100 years.

As far as the architecture and art are concerned, Sanremo presents some notable points of interest, which decorate the central roads as well as the hilly areas. Among these we should note: Castello Devachan, built in the late 19th century, the Basilica Collegiata Cattedrale di San Siro, the Russian Orthodox church, wanted by the Russian nobility which came here during winters of the late 19th century, villa Nobel, villa Angerer, the Borea d’Olmo building, site of the city museum.

Sanremo is a tourist location all year round. It makes the perfect break for enjoying the Ligurian summer, a spring break, or during the Festival in winter, when the climate is mild and the landscape is divine, not forgetting autumn, which is characterised by sunny days.

Style, prestige, history

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